Countdown to Summer Solstice: An Advent(ure) Calendar

Countdown to Summer Solstice: An Advent(ure) Calendar


Our FREE advent(ure) calendar is filled with fun outdoor and creative activities to enjoy with your family.

Celebrating the Summer Solstice is a big thing for the Wild Ground Team. We enjoy family gatherings over special pancake breakfasts, seasonal nature tables and time spent in the bush. Some of us swim at our local waterholes. Others enjoy gift-giving and art-making sessions with their children. Over the years, we’ve celebrated with friends over sunset drinks, while our children have played dress ups, made flower crowns and listened to stories about the sun and all its goodness.

Our children love counting down to the day where we celebrate the sun. 

We hope your family enjoys counting down with us!

Our advent(ure) calendar offers two different presentations to suit your family needs and includes blank cards so you can add your own rituals and activities to make it extra special and personal for your family.


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